Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Song in the Air

Friday afternoon, I was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a child in my lap, two children beside me and three complete sets of snow gear in varioous stages of zips, snaps, foot insertions, hand uncrumplings, tears, childish attempts of 'do it myself' and frustrated pleas of 'help please'.
To the tune of 'Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes' I sang the following words:

Hats on heads and boots on feet, boots on feet,
Gloves on hands and boots on feet, boots on feet,
Get our snow suits on so we can play outside,
Hats on heads and boots on feet, boots on feet.

(YES, they did in fact need the multiple reminder to keep their boots ON!)

All children's eyes were on me, frustrations dismounted and the rest of the dressing smoothed out. However, my co-worker did not seem to be amused and I questioned my propensity to break into song whenever the one year old tensions start gaining full speed!

I did however recall to mind how often GOD provides a song throughout our day if we would but listen. The music is always playing, whether through a songbird, the whistling of wind through a tree, the rustling of leaves, babbling brooks, the quiet of snowfall, a child's restful breathing, the percussion of rain and thunder, the visual symphony of sunrise or sunset. We are surrounded with GOD's music, and additionally find His eternal song written on our hearts.

Being created in GOD's image, I realized that as I sing songs of the moment to little babes, I am merely reflecting GOD's attributes.

With this in mind, I look forward to Monday's gloves, boots, snowsuits and whatever else threatens peaceful living with a song!

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