Sunday, November 22, 2009


Bewildered:    to confuse hopelessly; to cause to be lost
Confusion:     to fail to see the difference between; perplexed
Perplexed:     full of doubt or uncertainty
Doubt:     to be inclined to disbelief; an unsettled matter

There are times in life that these words are a prevalent part of our daily vocabulary. The path is unclear; decisions need to be made; choices seem 50/50. We are caught in the traps of fear, anxiety, lack of surety.

Here is what I read from Psalms 16:11 "THOU wilt make known to me the path of life; in THY presence is fullness of joy; in THY right hand there are pleasures forever."

Although the path may seem unclear, I know the One Who holds my hand, guides and directs me, makes my feet like hinds feet, girds me with strength, trains my hands for battle, enlarges my steps, makes me great with His gentleness, and makes me blameless. He is worthy of my trust.

He has walked the path before, which lead to a tree, where he made sure that I would find my way to Him, so that He could lead me through this life into eternity.

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