Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lightening the Load

Yesterday, I pulled four two-year old children in two sleds simultaneously. Although they sat quietly, except for the occasional plea to go faster, I knew they enjoyed the ride. On the sidelines, there stood a little French girl who watched my circular route, seeming to just take it in without giving any indication of pleasure or concern. I finally pulled up next to her with an empty sled and asked if she would like to ride as well. She climbed in hesitantly and sat down. I started pulling slowly, getting the rhythm of three sleds and five children just right, when I heard the most delicious giggle coming from the newest addition. She was so delighted that I suddenly was able to run around my route, forgetting my heavy load and the increased heart rate!

I thought of how often, GOD pulls the weight of our burdens, making the day more enjoyable, but do we break into that glorious giggle that says 'WOW! Thanks! This is great!'

As I completed my last lap around, I watched the final touches of the sunset's canvas, and smiled, thanking GOD for lightening my day in so many ways.

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