Sunday, May 1, 2011

Walking a Clydesdale

For the past eight days, I have been the owner of a delightful dog and enjoying all the chores and joys that accompany said ownership.

Due to the size of this magnifiscent beast, I discovered more humourous moments than expected, such as this photo suggests:

I never expected to be eclipsed by the shadow of a dog, but he has about 30 pounds on me. When he stands on his hind legs with front paws on my shoulders, I can look directly at his rabies tag. NEAT, considering that his neck still has another eight inches before reaching the bottom of his jowls.

Sam loved, adored and was overjoyed with Morty, the lion cat! Morty, however felt that Sam was more like a mangy giraffe with slobber. Eventually, they did learn to relax around each other, one by toning down the intensity while the other realized there was nothing life-threatening. Here they are playing with a laser dot together.

We played soccer together, ran and walked about seven miles a day, retrieved thrown toys, played hide and seek, watched the clouds float by, listened to birds and enjoyed nature. It has been a lovey week full of laughter and companionship. I will miss you, Sam!

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