Sunday, May 22, 2011

Arctic Currency

Living up in Polar Bear Country, everything costs more. I don't know who is ultimately responsible for the cost increase, perhaps the transport through Canada or out through the Pacific to get here, perhaps the cost of import tax from foreign countries, perhaps the cost of feeding sled dogs and their mushers. Perhaps, it is the misconception that it should cost so much more.

So, I made a decision. I decided to try my hand at arctic gardening, for better or worse, setting a limit on how many plants I would purchase, how much soil, and how many pots to fill. I left with two fewer pots than alotted, but an overall price tag that made me rethink my decision to 'experiment'.

Who knew that $180 would purchase so little, yet provide such delight! Every day, these little plants have visibly grown. So far they have handled huge wind gusts, cool night temperatures, a cat who occasionally nips them, and a twenty hour span of daylight. Morning and evening I check on their progress and enjoy the sweet perfumed faces cheerfully nodding back.

I have a few months of summer ahead to keep my little garden thriving. Next year, I hope to improve on what I have learned and hope that I can put down floral roots alongside my own, but in a place of our own!

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