Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Parking Spaces, Raindrops and Ineptitude

What are you thankful for today?

This morning I woke up heavy hearted, feeling the full gravity of my inabilities to make it through the day without Divine intervention and strength. As I drove to work, I confessed that I was incapable of the day's battle, especially after not recovering from the previous few days, weeks and months of challenges. I implored GOD to provide strength, to make His presence obvious. I stopped my prayer mid-sentence, realizing that yesterday I had not given the same fervency to prayer. The difference? Yesterday, my morning started off with a certain level of self-confidence and self-sufficiency. I was not anticipating any struggles and was feeling a certain level of assurance. Today, I knew that I had nothing apart from GOD.

Picking up mid-sentence, my prayer had none of the former tone, but rather turned into confession of my independence and praise for the rain that was going to bring the final budding into spring, for the parking space at work, that in Him I move and breathe and have my being, that He is always present, always faithful in guidance, support, protection, strength etc. and that I need to be more diligent to seek GOD's face and acknowledge His unceasingness toward me.

It is a happy dependence on Someone whose strength is inexhaustible, whose love is limitless, whose mercy is unending, whose forgiveness is inexplicably tender, whose compassion is showered upon me every moment.

Good days and bad, HE IS THERE. His emotions are not altered or swayed, He does not forget me on sunny days. He doesn't ignore me on rainy ones. HE NEVER FAILS.

We search our whole lives and bemoan the fact that we cannot find someone to love us like this, but we forget that whether we acknowledge GOD or not, He is fully present and lovingly engrossed in our every moment.

Tomorrow, the battle garments will be on. It may be a day of peace or it may be active duty. Either way, my Captain will go before me, beside me and bring up the rear. I will look to Him in peace and prosperity as well as in pitfalls and poverty.

I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."

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