Thursday, May 26, 2011

Korean Sign Language

Yesterday was a favourite co-workers' last day after many years of service. To me she was like the famed Charlotte of Charlotte's Web who made the world more beautiful, who saw the value of each of us and who worked tirelessly for the company without seeking any acclaim. She truly was a model employee and friend.

We had a going away party for her, unexpected and unplanned since she really wanted to walk away quietly. She deserved fanfare. She earned the right to know how valued and loved she was and will remain. She needed to know the imprint she made on our lives.

My Korean friend asked if I would create a sign to hang up, so I asked if she wanted it to say something in particular. She said to create whatever I wanted; she just wanted a sign. So I did what anybody would do, naturally! I googled 'English to Korean', typed in my English sentences, hit the translate button, copied and pasted Korean characters onto a word document, decorated it with graphics, sent it to a colour printer, and had it ready for when my friend came back to pick it up. Naturally.

그리고 당신의 친절, 당신의 근면 주셔서 감사합니다 모든 것을 당신이 우리를 받고 있습니다. 우리가 당신을보고 싶을거야!

The look of stunned surprise on my friend's face was priceless as she asked how I managed to create the sign. I modestly repied, 'I told you I was trying to learn a few Korean words!' Of course I showed her my secret, which delighted her. She asked me to replicate the sign in English so our co-worker would have an understandable keepsake, but took pride in her Korean presentation!
I just figured that if the sign was birthed from a Korean idea, it would be an even more fabulous memory if it came from the heart AND language of the giver.

Fare thee well Onalee: Thank you for your kindness, your diligence and for everything you have given us. We will miss you!

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