Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend sampler

My weekend has been very enjoyeable. The weather is gorgeous, much like Labour Day camping in the mountains with warm sun on the face but crisp cold in the shadows.. I baked, made three varieties of caramel, embroidered, read, candied orange slices, went for a drive and a walk, attended a new church, listened to beautiful classic music.

All of these things are my favourites. Each gives me great delight and pleasure, summoning all my senses. I expressed gratitude many times for the abilitiy to enjoy these things, even feeling overwhelmed by the colour, texture, smell, design and flavour of raspberries. These are all great wholesome delights and yet....I realized that I was still longing for more, like more than just listening to the classical music, I longed to feel it, smell it colour it. 

My first thought was that I wasn't being grateful enough, but I could not have been more sincere or appreciative. It made me realize that I was longing for the complete perfection of heaven. It is wonderful to enjoy GOD's abundant gifts, blessings and bestowements on us now but it is healthy to enjoy them with eternity as the backdrop that this earthly pleasure contrasts.

Putting this into perspective would be like relishing a kindergarten drawing. It is beautiful, exquisite and sensational that little fingers who cannot even put their own hair into a pony tail could grasp the concepts of space and proportions with paper and crayon. We appreciate the quality in light of view of the source. However, knowing that there is something of greater perfection and lasting value, we can enjoy the refridgerator art for this year and the Mona Lisa until earth is no longer.

Heaven is and will be perfection for us. While on this imperfect earth we are to enjoy everything that GOD Himself pronounced "good", but in doing so, our hearts should yearn for the perfect something that only GOD and heaven will afford.

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