Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sighted: Signs of Spring

Within one week, my world has changed from daily morning snowfall, to the warmth of afternoon sunshine. Everywhere I look, the snow recedes, grasses limp themselves upward to the newly revealed sunlight, winter indoor critters lie happily in the warm beams, mountains reveal their vertebral spine, the smell of green perfumes the air.

It will be weeks yet before the lawns are green or the trees start unfurling their chloropyhyll umbrellas, but in the meantime I will keep an eager eye for the daily spring revelations waking from winter hibernation.

Here are the last few days of my spring!
I fed these ducks (and the twenty surrounding them) my homemade molasses pumpkin ginger cookies. They loved them so much that the females were actually quacking in unison waiting for me to break apart the cookie for them! It was hilarious! The males were the most beautiful I think I have seen; the irridescence was so magnifiscent. Perhaps after a muted three tone winter, their colour was just a premium for my sight!

I saw the cat running to me looking rather scared. I did not know why until I left for work five minutes later and saw the moose in my very own backyard! Thank you to whoever bought me this gift....I named her Emilia and invited her back for pumpkin scones! The irony of Emilia being in my fenced back yard was that just yesterday I posted thanks for GOD's protection. Just one more reminder of His faithfulness!

Morty the cat, enjoying a spring outing without moose in the yard! The snow was receding quickly and soggy grass popping up for fresh air!

Spring weather can be so unpredictable and variable! Above is a picture to the West of the house while the picture below was taken at the same time but facing East. Strange! It was snowing.

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