Sunday, April 17, 2011

Passing for a Korean

As I sat near the back of a Korean church today, my heart resonated with this non-English speaking crowd. My heart and eyes swelled with tears as I heard and understood "Hallelujah!". In heaven, every tongue and tribe will be present, with this universal word coming from our redeemed hearts. It is the same word spoken in every hill and dale of every continent and island. My emotions were barely contained as I realized that although I could not understand what was being preached, I knew what was being spoken, from Whom it was derived and to Whom it was offered. It was a beautiful service with the speaker speaking to my heart from his imploring one.

The passage was Luke 22:54-62, and the jist of the sermon was this:
Jesus knew that Simon Peter was going to betray Him and even gave Peter warning and a signal. Peter chose to deny that he was one of Christ's followers. This ties to our every day living where we do not boldly show,proclain, live that we do indeed serve Christ as Lord and Master.
Once the signaling rooster crowed, Simon Peter caught the gaze of Christ, his Lord and Master. Jesus looked directly at Peter. The eyes were not angry but merciful. It was at this that Peter wept bitterly, showing a genuine repentence in his heart. The proof was his dedicated life to the service of his King, even to death. The sum of the serman was poised  that Satan does everything possible to keep our gaze off of Jesus so we cannot see His direct gaze of love and mercy. If we did meet His gaze, we would be transformed to follow after God's daily will, abandoning all else that would distance us from Himself.
The congregation wept at this serman. Without fully enderstanding, I too felt tears that the hearts of my fellow worshippers were moved to receive this Heavenly Word.
When I heard the translation afterward,all the pieces fell into place and I saw the whole picture. The translator told me that she did not know who she was translating for, that she thought I was Korean from the back. How dear that GOD does not see us as nationalities but as His Holy and Beloved ones. Through the welcoming arms of this church, I too felt beloved!
I will be back!
By the way...I had my first Korean food. I stuck with the mild non-red dishes and found them rather tasty!

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