Sunday, May 30, 2010

The House of Muscovy OR Duck in a Dog House

This week, I have been house sitting for a friend who has a Muscovy pair of ducks. Here is the hen setting on a clutch of four, due to arrive tomorrow if all goes well! The drake knows that something is up with her and stays fairly close by, but it hasn't hampered his appetite. In fact, I shared some of my spinach leaves with them, putting some on the ground and some inside the dog house for her. After she got over the 'intruder alert' of my hand being so near her golden eggs, he helped himself up the ramp and gobbled her salad. I was a bit miffed, yet she seemed perfectly content to preen her feathers, rearrange the princess and the pea mattress beneath her, and settle back into contented maternal bliss. Note to self!!!

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