Sunday, May 30, 2010

Check the Wing Flaps!!

The past two weeks have been very challenging, and my weary factor has exponentially increased; not the weary in well-doing, but the weary one step in front of the other while trying to maintain balance sort of weariness. Fighting life's battle's weary. Keep on smiling, head up, chin up, sheer grit and determination weary. Surely you get the picture.

I was walking home from work and feeling that GOD's face was invisible. As tears welled up, I cried heavenward that I felt like Ishmael, close to the promise yet not the one designated to carry the promise, abandoned, unable to be cared for, somewhere UNDER a bush.

As soon as those words took off from my thoughts a childhood song flooded my soul, "Keep me Jesus as the apple of Thine eye; Hide me UNDER the shadow of Thy wing; Keep Thy hand upon me lest I die; Keep me Jesus as the apple of Thine eye."

I wasn't lying abandoned under a bush in the middle of nomad land; I was sheltered UNDER His wing.

Next time I feel insecure as to purpose and place, when I feel alone, when I wonder.....I will remember to peek through the wing flap and look up into GOD's face. I am near His heart.

"The nearness of GOD is my good." "A very present help in the time of trouble"

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