Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Faux Pas Cascade Effect

You have heard of the trickle down theory, or perhaps the snowball effect, but have you heard of the faux pas effect?

The other day I passed an older couple who was setting up a hotdog and beverage stand.. I greeted them and asked how their day was going to which he very enthusiastically smiled and said "We're doing GREAT".  Amused at his response I said "Thank You!"        Naturally!!

A few days later I was speaking with the most delightful lady who was suppose to be signing her name, but instead wrote down a word that I said. She laughed and pointed out her mistake but I merely responded that it was really nothing compared to my grand faux pas of all times. I told of the time I was praying intensely at work, answered the phone and said "Dear Heavenly Father".  She said 'Sometimes you just need to verbalize those prayers!

This is not the end of the story however! Read on.....

We went on talking about her baby's due date, chosen baby name, her maiden name and marriage details. As we were ending the conversation I mentioned how lovely it was to meet her and visit. She responed  "Love you too, baby"!

I merely smiled!

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