Monday, May 31, 2010

At the Master's Call

Here is my semi-adopted dog Duke lying at my feet.
What a lesson in
waiting and anticipating,
loyalty and faithfulness,
devoted affection,
eager service
willing dutifulness.

Ruby Red Pendant

Here is the sunset preceding Memorial Day, like the darkest ruby pendant shining on the water below and illuminating the clouds. I wish I could have captured the reality of this image with the deep colouring resembling the darkest ruby. It was breathtaking, definitely rivaling the Serengeti's great ball of fire.

Sunrise, Sunset

One of these pictures was taken at 0046 and one was taken at 0252.
Can you tell which is which?

In between these two time periods,
the birds pause their songs,
the wind tousles the treetops,
the city lights twinkle...ever so slightly,
and the residents slumber.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Duke of Dogdem

I borrowed Duke from a co-worker to go on an excursionary walk. What delightful companionship once we got in stride with who was boss (definitely NOT him although he did make a valiant effort)
and where his place was (definitely NOT in front with my hyperextended arm and NOT under my feet).

Tethered to my side,
our feet running in sync,
enjoying a glorious day,
passing small goats in a yard,
sand pipers and gulls,
waterways, channels and falls,
a lagoon,
songbirds in chorus,
newly emerged leaves,
blue sky above,
Sleeping Lady shadowed in the distance,
waves lapping the shore,
interesting people,
myriads of pooches.

At our half way point,
we sat on a bench in silence,
his hot breath on my knee,
my hot hand on his head,
content with presence alone.
Pure delight!

The House of Muscovy OR Duck in a Dog House

This week, I have been house sitting for a friend who has a Muscovy pair of ducks. Here is the hen setting on a clutch of four, due to arrive tomorrow if all goes well! The drake knows that something is up with her and stays fairly close by, but it hasn't hampered his appetite. In fact, I shared some of my spinach leaves with them, putting some on the ground and some inside the dog house for her. After she got over the 'intruder alert' of my hand being so near her golden eggs, he helped himself up the ramp and gobbled her salad. I was a bit miffed, yet she seemed perfectly content to preen her feathers, rearrange the princess and the pea mattress beneath her, and settle back into contented maternal bliss. Note to self!!!

Kept in Stitches

Here is my most recent creation, a little clematis vine on muslin. 
This will become a little pillow cover for a two year old's birthday.
Her initials will be added just to the lower right.

To the Seventh Generation

While driving in to work this last week, I prayed fervently to GOD. Like Hannah, I have yearned for children and have asked GOD to bless me with little ones who will in turn become a blessing. On this particular morning, I said that perhaps when I had previously prayed for children I had not made myself specifically clear. Yes, He has answered by bringing many hundreds of children into my life to bless and be blessed and for which I am grateful, but I really longed for little ones that were my sole responsibility, my life's work, my occupation.

I will continue to be on my knees with a translator who will transform my wept, salty words into glorious heavenly petitions. Here are some verses while I prepare the nursery of my heart.

 all my longing is before you;
 My sighing is not hidden from you.
 My heart throbs,
My strength fails me,
The light of my eyes has also gone out from me.
But for you do I wait.
 It is you Oh Lord my GOD who will answer."

(This posting is dedicated to all the longed for children,
and for the mothers whose hearts are longing)

Check the Wing Flaps!!

The past two weeks have been very challenging, and my weary factor has exponentially increased; not the weary in well-doing, but the weary one step in front of the other while trying to maintain balance sort of weariness. Fighting life's battle's weary. Keep on smiling, head up, chin up, sheer grit and determination weary. Surely you get the picture.

I was walking home from work and feeling that GOD's face was invisible. As tears welled up, I cried heavenward that I felt like Ishmael, close to the promise yet not the one designated to carry the promise, abandoned, unable to be cared for, somewhere UNDER a bush.

As soon as those words took off from my thoughts a childhood song flooded my soul, "Keep me Jesus as the apple of Thine eye; Hide me UNDER the shadow of Thy wing; Keep Thy hand upon me lest I die; Keep me Jesus as the apple of Thine eye."

I wasn't lying abandoned under a bush in the middle of nomad land; I was sheltered UNDER His wing.

Next time I feel insecure as to purpose and place, when I feel alone, when I wonder.....I will remember to peek through the wing flap and look up into GOD's face. I am near His heart.

"The nearness of GOD is my good." "A very present help in the time of trouble"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meet Beatrix

Here is Penelope's daughter Beatrix!
I haven't seen her twin Bernard for a while.
Either he is off exploring his territory,
or the unpleasant alternative.

Come to think of it,
I haven't seen Penelope with this year's calves either.
And I even had the names picked out and the nursery decorated
with bark and boughs!


This evening while walking home from work,
I felt like a baleen whale straining the air for airborne krill.........
otherwise known as gnats!
By the time I arrived home I hardly needed dinner,
just a few strawberries to balance out the protein.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Faux Pas Cascade Effect

You have heard of the trickle down theory, or perhaps the snowball effect, but have you heard of the faux pas effect?

The other day I passed an older couple who was setting up a hotdog and beverage stand.. I greeted them and asked how their day was going to which he very enthusiastically smiled and said "We're doing GREAT".  Amused at his response I said "Thank You!"        Naturally!!

A few days later I was speaking with the most delightful lady who was suppose to be signing her name, but instead wrote down a word that I said. She laughed and pointed out her mistake but I merely responded that it was really nothing compared to my grand faux pas of all times. I told of the time I was praying intensely at work, answered the phone and said "Dear Heavenly Father".  She said 'Sometimes you just need to verbalize those prayers!

This is not the end of the story however! Read on.....

We went on talking about her baby's due date, chosen baby name, her maiden name and marriage details. As we were ending the conversation I mentioned how lovely it was to meet her and visit. She responed  "Love you too, baby"!

I merely smiled!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Counter Balance

It never fails.
When I am feeling overwhelmed by inadequacy at work due to anything that remotely might connect me to a flaw, whether perceived or actual, GOD sends in not just one, but several people who cheer me with kindness, pinpointed gratefulness, and obvious verbal compensation for the previous words ringing in my ears. GOD is so faithful to provide this, that I cannot think of a single time when He has not applied this salve to my soul.

Even though I feel so low on many days, I distinctly know that I represent a higher calling in my work place. I am not there for my benefit, other than to build character; rather, I am there as a light house to the sick and wounded in my community, to be a steadfast example of godliness and to do the very best in work performance.
I adore the people who walk through the doors.
 I value and appreciate my co-workers.
I choose to honour GOD.

Penelope Photo Shoot

There she is in all her glory,
enjoying warmer weather,
softer ground,
and a much tastier diet
after a winter of fiber!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And Then There Was Green!

During the last few days, the last vestige of snow melted away, taking with it all traces and effects of winter. In its place, leaf buds unfurled on the trees above and enmeshed the sky with verdant hues. The air, once silenced by snowfall, is adorned with bird song whose music dots the sky by day much as stars do by night.