Sunday, April 11, 2010

Waking From Winter

It has been a long time since I have written, not due to any hibernation factors, but rather to the adjustments life brings and the business that ensues.
-I have changed employment and have worked long enough to know just how much I do not know about this office, yet GOD has instilled in me a desire to always do right and to labour well. Above all else, my time here on the frozen tundra is GOD's work as I step Heavenward.
-The winter has been breathtaking. Every snowfall is unique and beautiful, much like the snowflakes of which it is composed. The play of light and shadows from the sun, moon, mountains and trees is like a flowing live tapestry that changes as the earth revolves. Not a day goes by that I am not overwhelmingly amazed at how GOD has designed every detail to work so scientifically precise. He sure did a good job!
-The moose have been delightful to see here and there, hunkered down and munching on their fill of fiber; perhaps we should take note!
-GOD has blessed me abundantly. The road is not smooth or easy but His presence is strengthening and what He teaches me is encouraging. My vision of looking to Him first in all things is improving, but the many times where my eyes falter and discouragement washes over lets me know that I will be working on this quality all my days. Again, I reference my moments with children when they ask for 'help, please' and the pleasure I get from being near to help them in their moment of need. I never tire of it; I never think less of them. I adore the time together and kiss their foreheads. If I as a finite creature can feel this emotion, then how much more can the Infinite Creator feel, He Who created me and these emotions.

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