Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It is all a matter of perspective.....
This evening I returned the truck to its rightful owner and felt a twinge of sadness as I parted with something that was never mine to begin with.
The seat adjustment was mine.
The classical radio station was mine.
The temperature adjustment was set to my preferences.
And yet... it was still not my truck.

I walked home several miles and reflected upon this seeming loss,
when a new perspective crossed my mind:

I was given a great chance to get fresh air and exercise.
The sunset was storm clouds smattered across a flaming sky.
I was given some quiet and alone moments to sing to GOD.
I was given very marvelous scientific things to view and ponder.
I was given safety from many possible factors.
I was given this day, when the sun stays up so late, to return the vehicle.

The rain clouds withheld during my walk.
The presence of mad mama moose was withheld.

So, give or take, I am blessed by GOD's goodness!

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord."
Job 1:21

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