Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Healing Balm of Joy

This week was Administrative Assistant's Week, where the typist, paper shuffler and phone intake person gets a card, perhaps flowers, a smile, and then back to work.

This week, I did not receive any of the above from my employer, mind you, I was too busy to notice who or what we were suppose to be celebrating that particular week. Instead, on Wednesday, one of my most cheerful, exhuberant, and ultimately enjoyable patients came in and dropped off a card, gave me a hug and left as deftly as she came. On the front was written Happy Admin Assist Day! It isn't often that customers give so much thought and consideration to a business.

When I read the card at lunch, the tears of sweet gratitude welled up. Here was someone I was not expecting, expressing detailed gratitude, on a day that I was feeling pangs of discouragement. Only GOD could have placed it on her heart to do this deed of kindness, and only GOD can mend the broken. So effective was the mending, that I do not even know the particular words that caused me to feel inadequate this week.

"He gave me beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning,
the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness,
that we might be called trees of righteousness,
 the planting of the Lord,
that He might be glorified."
Isaiah 61:3

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