Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sweaty Feet/Feat

Yesterday, I discovered that feet have fear sensors; in fact, I believe that every square millimeter of the foot's surface is able to function as its own fear determining center of operations.

While removing corner boards on my parent's home with the aide of a ladder, I discovered my feet were rather damp, but thought that I was working up a bit of heat from crow bar leverage and ladder clinging. After removing all the corner boards that were accessible from the ground level, I had to use the ladder to hoist my overalled figure up to a small overhang in order to remove corner boards from six corners on the upper story. Who designs these houses, anyway? My tennis shoes, while being perfect for ground work, were quite slick against the roofing shingles. After gingerly removing my shoes, all the while clinging tenatively to the side of the house, I tested my stocking feet and bare feet. Bare feet were no good since my feet were so sweaty, so I went with the grabbing ability of the stockings. I managed to remove the corner boards, albeit a hilarious process for the neighbors to observe, to be sure!

Through all this process, my feet should have cooled down outside the confines of the shoes. The opposite occured, however. My socks were soaked, and my bare feet did not cool down or stop sweating for a good twenty minutes afterward.

Who knew feet had brains?!!

I left one dangling board that was wedged up top into the barge board, but for the life of me I could not bring myself to yank it down without having anything for myself to hang on to. I told my Dad that I had left a dangling participle for him, that I had gone as far as I could and was now playing my 'woman' card!

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