Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Bountiful Summer

The month of August has been very full of all things intrinsically summer. Here is a sample list of those blue sky days:
  • raising fluffy, sleepy chicks into fine feathered and alert pullets.
  • chopping down disintegrating Japanese plum trees, chopping and stacking the wood, and collecting the remnant plums to preserve as juice and jelly.
  • removing overgrown brush and hauling multiple trailer loads of debris. Didn't think you needed a picture of this!
  • pruning limbs (the size of small trees) up to allow light into the yard. Who knew you could fit over thirty mature trees on a city plot! Just imagine the helicopters, seed pods, bark bits, twigs, moss, leaves, cones, pitch, sap and pollen that were infiltrating. Even a forest has less variety to contend with!
  • planting colourful perennials for present and future beauty.
  • leaving a few tidbits on the back fence for the hilarious backyard squirrels.
  • sharing a fresh peach waffle cone sundae with Mom at a roadside produce stand.
  • making art projects with my nieces, some edible, others more for artistic value!
  • Bar-B-Que! Mmmm! Fresh roasted corn on the cob and Boeuf - my favourite! Sorry, I ate the evidence, alas, no photo.
  • Going for walks and drives to see all the varietal beauty, including three deer and ten eagles!
  • blowing insulation into the attic to ward off winter's chill.
  • selecting and purchasing paint colours for the house.....now the prep work begins!
  • Excellent messages at church, particularly  the Wrath of God series. What feasting! What Divine Goodness!
There are many more things that I could include, to be sure, but these definitely top the list of priority.

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