Sunday, April 25, 2010

Loaded, But Not Weighed Down

Once again I am sitting in the airport, a-waiting a flight to ferry me between past and future concepts of home. My household goods are in limbo, in shipping crates awaiting some ferrying of their own until they reach their final destination of a new nesting spot.

At the end of this journey will still be the essence of me, my home, but in uncharted territory. I am so grateful that I can trust GOD to provide everything I need for every step of the way.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sleep Studies

My sleep deprivation study is going quite well!

48 hours into it, I have discovered that:

There is a 100% survival rate.
There is an 85% functional rate.
There is a 60% clear communication rate.
There is a 45% comprehension rate.
There is a 25% multi-tasking ability.
There is a surprising lack of cognitive ability to discern that gum laden thoroughfares are NOT sleeping surfaces!!!

All in all, I am surprised at the midway results.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Healing Balm of Joy

This week was Administrative Assistant's Week, where the typist, paper shuffler and phone intake person gets a card, perhaps flowers, a smile, and then back to work.

This week, I did not receive any of the above from my employer, mind you, I was too busy to notice who or what we were suppose to be celebrating that particular week. Instead, on Wednesday, one of my most cheerful, exhuberant, and ultimately enjoyable patients came in and dropped off a card, gave me a hug and left as deftly as she came. On the front was written Happy Admin Assist Day! It isn't often that customers give so much thought and consideration to a business.

When I read the card at lunch, the tears of sweet gratitude welled up. Here was someone I was not expecting, expressing detailed gratitude, on a day that I was feeling pangs of discouragement. Only GOD could have placed it on her heart to do this deed of kindness, and only GOD can mend the broken. So effective was the mending, that I do not even know the particular words that caused me to feel inadequate this week.

"He gave me beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning,
the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness,
that we might be called trees of righteousness,
 the planting of the Lord,
that He might be glorified."
Isaiah 61:3

Nesting or Nest Egg?

I have both nested and nest-egged, both serving their purpose and both having given pleasure and satisfaction whether by choice or circumstance. I am currently seated in an airport, awaiting a red eye flight to my former home state and the location of my stored household goods in order to bring them safely to my new northern nest that GOD has provided. GOD has graciously provided the means and I have been diligent to build this nest. Now, I am eager to make it a personal reflection of me, a haven for others and a blessing to GOD. This is a gift for my soul and a sweetness that I have anticipated for a very long time. SOLI DEO GLORIA!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It is all a matter of perspective.....
This evening I returned the truck to its rightful owner and felt a twinge of sadness as I parted with something that was never mine to begin with.
The seat adjustment was mine.
The classical radio station was mine.
The temperature adjustment was set to my preferences.
And yet... it was still not my truck.

I walked home several miles and reflected upon this seeming loss,
when a new perspective crossed my mind:

I was given a great chance to get fresh air and exercise.
The sunset was storm clouds smattered across a flaming sky.
I was given some quiet and alone moments to sing to GOD.
I was given very marvelous scientific things to view and ponder.
I was given safety from many possible factors.
I was given this day, when the sun stays up so late, to return the vehicle.

The rain clouds withheld during my walk.
The presence of mad mama moose was withheld.

So, give or take, I am blessed by GOD's goodness!

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord."
Job 1:21

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Cup of Smiles in a Swirl of Coffee

Sometimes the simplest gestures can mean so much.

This cup of coffee was given to me on a day that I needed some cheer.
Wouldn't you know, when I thanked her for such a sweet gift,
she said it was the first time she had made this design!

She made a second cup for a new mother who joined me
and topped hers with a very pretty feathery flower.

The third lady who joined us had her cup made by a different barista who gave her...
nothing but foam!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Illuminated by Truth

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hauling Snow!

What a blessing!
One of my families has loaned me a truck temporarily!
I have been able to run my errands, visit families,
get to know my new home town a bit,
and have the ability to see sights that cannot be obtained on foot.
Grazie Mille!

Fondant and Filling

Recently, one of my little munchkins turned one, and I was asked by the mother to bake his cake. Although it turned out altered from the dream cake she sent as a sample, it is reasonably close!  Despite all of its imperfections and the hard work of learning how to use my very terrible oven (namely throwing out half the cakes), how to make and work with fondant (what decadence!), and how to put everything together, it was a labour of love and ulitimately rewarding in the end. The top cake is banana with custard and fresh banana filling, while the bottom cake is lemon with a lemon cream filling. I did not eat either!

The Imprint of My Expression

Leaving your mark on life is something we all long to do, We want to be liked, memorable, adored, and missed in our absence.

My hope is that as I go through my day, driving through each of life's moments, that I will be an empty vessel used by GOD to do my business and leave the impressions of my actions up to GOD. I relinquish the knowledge of any good I may do and instead live a life pleasing to GOD, with my focus on Him.

The Freedom of a Great Surrounding

A little bird I am,
Shut from the fields of air;
And in my cage I sit and sing
To Him who place me there;
Well pleased a prisoner to be,
Because, my God, it pleases Thee.

My cage confines me round;
Abroad I cannot fly;
But though my wing is closely bound,
My heart's at liberty.
My prison walls can not control
The flight, the freedom of my soul.

Oh, it is good to soar
These bolts and bars above,
To Him whose purpose I adore,
Whose providence I love:
And in thy mighty will to find
The joy, the freedom of the mind.

By Madame Guyon

Waking From Winter

It has been a long time since I have written, not due to any hibernation factors, but rather to the adjustments life brings and the business that ensues.
-I have changed employment and have worked long enough to know just how much I do not know about this office, yet GOD has instilled in me a desire to always do right and to labour well. Above all else, my time here on the frozen tundra is GOD's work as I step Heavenward.
-The winter has been breathtaking. Every snowfall is unique and beautiful, much like the snowflakes of which it is composed. The play of light and shadows from the sun, moon, mountains and trees is like a flowing live tapestry that changes as the earth revolves. Not a day goes by that I am not overwhelmingly amazed at how GOD has designed every detail to work so scientifically precise. He sure did a good job!
-The moose have been delightful to see here and there, hunkered down and munching on their fill of fiber; perhaps we should take note!
-GOD has blessed me abundantly. The road is not smooth or easy but His presence is strengthening and what He teaches me is encouraging. My vision of looking to Him first in all things is improving, but the many times where my eyes falter and discouragement washes over lets me know that I will be working on this quality all my days. Again, I reference my moments with children when they ask for 'help, please' and the pleasure I get from being near to help them in their moment of need. I never tire of it; I never think less of them. I adore the time together and kiss their foreheads. If I as a finite creature can feel this emotion, then how much more can the Infinite Creator feel, He Who created me and these emotions.