Thursday, December 31, 2009

Out with the Old, but not all of it!

This is the last day for many things. It is the last of 2009 to be sure, but it is the last of working with some great co-workers for a great company. Although I am grateful to have a contract with the same facility, there are apprehensions with the new governing company, new staff and continuing staff, new policies and procedures.

The last two weeks have been amongst my favourite at work and I am sorry to see their end. Why did GOD decide to save the best until last? I don't know, but it was a treasure. I learned and confirmed wise and wonderful things for future Christmases, for child rearing and educating, for general daily living and for these I am again grateful. The contrast from here will be difficult. There will be no comradery or sense of peace and order, but I hope that I will be diligent to find GOD's hand in all that He gives me in my daily moments. He always does things well; it is I who mangle the opportunities into difficult and uncomfortable minutes, just like I did yesterday over a pair of mittens, a child and an unkind co-worker.

My resolutions this past year have been a list of five statements to remember and will remain so in the coming year:
  1. GOD will move heaven and earth to show you His will for your life if you really want to do His will.
  2. Trust GOD and He will provide all your needs. Don't look to anybody else. Look to Him.
  3. Trust GOD to be your protector.
  4. Obey GOD and leave the consequences to Him. Trust Him to make a way.
  5. Take GOD at His word. He Who promises is faithful.
Additional resolutions for 2010 will be regarding my most severe short-coming: LOVE
  1. Panta stegei - bears all things
  2. Panta pisteuei - believes all things
  3. Panta elpigei - hopes all things
  4. Panta upomenei - endures all things
Onward to 2010 - O Come O Come Emmanuel!

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