Saturday, December 19, 2009

Intelligent Design

As I walk through this landscape, I have often wondered at the function and form of the natural surroundings. Having gone from summer to autumn to winter, I have observed that "He doeth all things well"!! Seeing the slender birch trees and their delicate branching seems astonishing to me that they could survive the weather that is giving my fingertips such grief when ungloved for a few seconds to help the children re-glove, and yet, as I see the effects of varying temperatures, my amazement has turned to grateful wonder that GOD maketh no mistakes.
The colder weather turns the trees to magnets, attracting the smallest particles of moisture to cloak the branches with an insulation of frost while the above zero temperatures attract the snow onto the most slender of branches, each one bearing a load of ten times the branch's girth.

Today there is a breeze which is blowing the nimble branches and shaking the lightest of snow off. Without that slender flexibility, I am sure that the branches would break under the weight. Amazing!

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