Saturday, June 12, 2010

Choosing to Remain Small

GOD is not confined to my view of Him as Shepherd, Lord, Ruler, Creator, Jehovah, Saviour. My views are tainted by my own humanity and life experience.
  • The greatest shepherd who ever lived does not tend his sheep as well as the Master Shepherd.
  • The best artist can only immitate a mere shadow of what has already been created by the Master Creator.
  • The best father and provider can only provide within his means and abilities. This is nothing compared to the infinite resources and blessings of our Heavenly Father and Provider.
  • The greatest rescue story of all time has never sacrificed so much as the rescue that took place on Calvary for every person who has ever lived and who is yet to be born.
IF GOD who is infinitely greater, bigger, more powerful can reduce Himself to a speck of dust to walk amongst us as a faithful servant and sacrificial lamb, then how much more should I desire to remain a servant to my Master who has called me by name. I should not desire to be loved and valued by mankind, only to bear the love of HIM WHO loved greatly. As I mirror Him each moment and meld my heart to His, may He alone be seen and get the glory.

I choose to remain small to mankind and great in His eyes!

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