Monday, June 7, 2010

Blessed Be the Name

For the past two weeks, I finished house and animal sitting for two different families. During this time, a journal full of events happened, but here are a few pages from that journal that note the give and take most poigniantly.

A pair of nesting Muscovy ducks from house #1 had no place to bathe. Although I visited the used childrens stores in town for a yard pool, I found none. However, in the woods at house #2, I found a brand new saucer sled with a 2.5 inch water capacity. This would be in the GIVE category.

My initial arrival at house #2 was met by opened doors and windows and two absent teens. Upon further discovery, the indoor cat was now outdoors in moose, bear and lynx territory (only the day before had a large lynx been photographed in the yard). TAKE. Another day I found the dogs outside with nobody home, but fortunately the largest breeds have electronic fence collars on which keep them nearly contained, but not safe.

As the midnight sun burned the candle at both ends of the day, the internal clocks of the teenagers switched modes, and friends came through the house by way of the electronically wired doors that verbalized which door on which level was being accessed at any time. Sleepless nights and concern for everyone's well-being ensued, as well as wondering how to relay necessary information to the parents. This again in the TAKE category.

Every day I scouted and kept an Eagle eye for the lost cat, until by day five I knew every rock and brush in the surrounding area. As I closed the bedroom blinds with my contact lenses out, I again surveyed one last inventory of my well known rocks; alas, this time I recognized one out of place! I grabbed coat and boots and shepherded my way down the hillside near her and called her to safety. Her voice was gone, she was shaken, cold and hungry, but unharmed. GOD had answered my impossible prayer. She never left my side the remainder of my time at the house. During that first night in safety, she laid across my neck with her tail and half the forest floor draped around my face, suction cupped by the pitch dots, while all four feet played a game of twister on my facial features. She could not get close enough and we neither of us noticed any discomfort; so great was our mutual gratitude of safety. GIVE GIVE GIVE.

Day five at house #2 also brought the departure of one of the teens to Columbia. I was very concerned for her safety, so much so that I was not at rest about it, feeling almost nauseous. Her blond naivete and sweet disposition did not lend itself to my confidence in the departure to her unsafe destination. TAKE.

As she left, she gave me the keys to her car to drive for the two weeks of her trip. GIVE.

After 24 hours of using her vehicle, her parents, who just arrived back in town, informed me that she was returning home due to illness. She would need to TAKE her car back, but infinitely more, GOD was GIVING her safety and GAVE me abundant peace of mind. I was amazed at His goodness to my mothering heart!

It was very overwhelmingly difficult to face walking home from work today. I had nothing left in me, the sleepless weeks and long work day had TAKEN its toll, but as I waited at the bus stop, a friend texted me to say that she was sorry that it had been so long. She just wanted me to know she was thinking about me and was caught up in mothering and work. What a gift she GAVE when I needed the extra encouragement.

It often feels like I am plucking daisy petals while saying "He Gives" "He Takes". Even when it seems like I have ended on something being taken, I desire to see what GOD has given me as a result.

"The Lord gives, The Lord Takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord".

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