Monday, October 25, 2010

Praying to See Nothing

It is past midnight. I just completed my first work shift of the week and pedaled home in darkness with a midnight blue sky backlighting the mountain range to the east. It was beautiful!

My winter clothes finally made it out of summer hibernation at a friend's house and made a huge difference in warmth; in fact, two clothing layers were rather damp from perspiration. All in all it was a comfortable and beautiful ride despite the late hour and work fatigue.

The only thing that diminishes my ability to relax and enjoy the ride is the fear of moose and mentally/physically impaired drivers. I have prayed to GOD, asking him to keep the moose as far from my vicinity as possible; I do not even want to see them at all for fear of being stomped to death. Praying through scriptural promises is wonderful to keep my mind focused as I whiz past forested or dark brushy areas. Even so, I must have sounded amusing to GOD's ears one evening as I cried out "Please GOD, no moose, please GOD, no moose, please GOD, no moose" or when my fears capture my emotions simultaneously during a mental search for a new verse to remind GOD of yet another promise to me.

Surely, as my flawless Heavenly Father, He knows my fears and concerns, sees my needs, hears my cry, and delights to make His presence known to both me and the stomping moose. He Who calmed seas and brought dead to life can surely distract a protective mother moose. He Who delivered Daniel from the lions den, Noah from the flood, and the children of Israel from a pursuing Egyptian army can certainly keep my needs met. Surely He is trustworthy and faithful to keep promises.

Even so, I like to put my hand in His and test His strength. It is no match for the things of this world. The question isn't GOD's promise and ability, but my faithfulness and trust in Him.

Just so you know....I have not seen one moose, except driving with a friend. Needless to say, I felt pretty safe, but if a car can provide that reassurance, certainly I can have Blessed Assurance with GOD!

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