Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Quarter Thankful

Three months ago, I had been given a chest of drawers by a family who was moving out of state. I had used the bottom two drawers only to store a few linens as I prepared for an upcoming move of my own. With my move only three days away, I, in turn was donating the chest to another family, with a quick last minute drawer check prior to pick-up time. Lo and behold, what should I find but a quarter in the
top drawer! I chuckled to myself and thought that perhaps GOD had deliberately stashed this, and that it probably made up the lack of what was necessary for a load of laundry. Just out of curiosity, I went to my coin purse and checked. Sure enough, I had five quarters! With this sixth newly discovered treasure I was able to do one final load of laundry before flying out! Isn't GOD marvelous! I love that sense of humour!

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