Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The need to hear a heartbeat

Sometimes, life is filled with unknowns. Scary unknowns. Uncertainties that overwhelm or seem larger than life.
I held one of my pheasant hens yesterday as she needed some care for a gashed thigh (thanks to an ungentlemanly proposal). She thrashed violently, clawing and scratching and flapping her way to her imagined freedom and safety. But I was her safety. I was providing the care she needed. I wrapped her inside my coat, next to my heart and pressed her close. I told her it was only her own imagination she was afraid of. She was stilled and soothed.
Today, I have two little chicks snuggled next to my heart. Their surrogate mother was needing to return to her coop and abandoned them after theee weeks of brooding and three weeks of mothering. Stellar performance at both, but her egg duties were calling for her return. As these chicks cried at her departure, and were concerned with my unknown hand scooping them up, they were stilled and soothed hearing my heartbeat.
Also today, I myself was faced with the fear of the unknown. The need to hear a heartbeat of comfort holding me close. I reached out to a friend and heard her heartbeat. And through her, I could hear the heartbeat of God.
'But as for me, the nearness of God is my good' Psalm 73:28

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