Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Spendid Winter's Afternoon

This has been a memorable week, filled to the brim with life's joys, sorrows, hardships, and surprises. I wasn't sure I could bear some of the moments, but was grateful for the reprieve or distraction of other moments to displace the burden.

Today I enjoyed a spot in front of the window, with golden winter light piercing the negative temperatures. With book in hand and two baby pheasants needing a little quiet time, I picked up where the bookmark marked several chapters in.

It's a good book. Not one that I would normally delay finishing, but life has bestowed different lessons to learn recently, than that written under the title of Pilgrim's Call, by A.L.O.E. (A Lady Of England).

It's a fictional story with ties and references to the great classic Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan.

This passage in particular is something that resonated with me. It's something that I have experienced from others and been guilty of myself these past few weeks especially. It's something that I wanted to warn others of, but instead prayed that I would heed the words myself.

Let me provide the passage:

     'Judge not, that you be not judged,' said the clergyman, impressively. 'There is nothing so little becoming a young pilgrim as passing unkind judgement on his elders.'

     'I'm afraid that it's my besetting sin,' said Charles, 'and one that is very difficult to get rid of.'

     'Like many others, I believe that it springs from pride,' observed his tutor. 'When we are deeply sensible of our own imperfections, we have more mercy to show, or less attention to give to those of our neighbours and companions.'

Amen and Amen. God grant that it be so.

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