Friday, January 20, 2012

Christmas 2011

> 11 dogs a dancin'

> 10 plates a layin'

> 9 tails a waggin'

> 8 feet a tanglin'

> 7 trails a blazin'

> 6 glasses tinklin'

> 5 lords a leapin'

> 4 ladies laughin'

> 3 rooms a gatherin'

> 2 potato dishes steamin'

> 1 boeuf prime rib a standin'

What an evening with more dogs than people, but the mix seemed to work out well, with the exception of one lady who was not creature compatible...the dogs seemed to be aware of this and preferred the company of those humans with hands outstretched!

Claire, though only six and a half months old, was the largest of the bunch with a little husky rescue being about her age. They seemed to know that they were both the same age and were inseparable, including the time where the husky teeth imbedded themselves in Claires lip, thus earing him the name "The Stapler".

A few weeks later, "The Stapler" came over to play and became yet another office implement, this time earning the name "The Letter Opener" after tearing a one inch wound in Claire's hind leg right down to the muscle. We debated stitches, but after two MD's inspected the gaping wound, felt that it would be better served healing on its own since stitched would require antibiotics and could cause future tummy trouble.

Now, there is small pinky sixed spot remaing to close and a sensitivity to the cold, but she seems to be fine. There are no future office implement purchases planned, but if so, we will shop carefully!

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