Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Unexpected Source

Sometimes, GOD lays a task on your heart and you obey without knowing the reasons.

Such was the case two weeks ago while I was talking to a manufacturing rep at work. She stopped by the office to fax her charges to her home office and commented how thirsty she gets while working in the O.R. I offered her a spot in the cupboard to hold a water bottle so she could have a quick drink in between cases. The topic switched to her not feeling well, so I brought up Ginger People's Ginger Chews as a source of comfort when I am tired, traveling, queezy, or just needing something sweet and spicy. The next day, while I was unpacking my kitchen at the new house, I saw a package of crystallized ginger by the same company and gave it to the lady at work the next day.

Just a day or two later, I was carefully gleaning the grocery store for my very limited budget and saw a jar of ginger paste from Ginger People, a product I use with lemon, honey and hot water, or in a mug of steamed milk before bed. I contemplated the purchase, knowing that it would reduce my grocery budget by a quarter of the alotted amount. The jar came home with me and sat over the weekend. The temptation was very strong to enjoy it in my milk - another quarter of the grocery budget. I reckoned and reasoned with myself and came to the conclusion that it would be stealing from my friend; since the purchase was for her, it was never mine to begin with.

Taking it in to work with me, I labeled it with her name and a little note. Once again, it sat on the shelf for a few days until she came to our facility, but she was pleased that I had thought of her.

It has been a meager and hungry week, but five days later, this rep called me at work to see what time I would be getting off. An hour before I left work, she brought in a dozen pumpkin ginger cupcakes as a return gift for me. I only shared half!

How unexpectedly good!

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