Friday, September 28, 2012

The Last Vestiges of Puppy-hood

I finally had to break down and do it.

This vehicle is relatively new to me, purchased in mid-April when Claire was still growing and when the air was warming toward spring, allowing her to ride along in the car and stay alone while I ran chores. Each time, upon my return, I would find her curled up in my easy task for a lanky ninety pound pony! So as not to startle her,  I would gently knock on the window. This was never a successful approach, needless to say since she was A) in trouble for not being where she belonged, and B) taking her guardian role seriously.

After knocking, she would whip her head around with gaping eyes and very rapidly try to uncoil all nine feet of front legs, body and hind legs from the garden hose style nest she had created under the steering wheel. More often than not, I would have to cover my face or look the other way to stifle the hilarity I exuded, so as to enforce just how intolerable I found it to have her in the 'Master's Chair'.

One of these times, I returned to find nose prints on the windshield, right in my line of vision. This may sound crazy, but I have loved seeing the vigilant loyalty that I took this symbol to mean. It has remained there...until today.

It is getting VERY cold and soon to snow, so any marks on the window are quick to gather steam from the temperature variation. Out of necessity, I had to take window cleaner to these sweet marks of friendship. However, I will never look through the windshield without seeing the nose prints with my memories vision.

In fact, I still can see my one year old nieces little thumb print on my review mirror, from a road trip and time when I was holding her on my lap while her mama was busy changing my newest nieces clothing before getting back on the road. I kept that thumbprint out of love and the sweetness that symbol brought to my heart.

I will always miss that car, but I can still see the thumbprint and cherish the memory of that trip.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Seasonal Markers

August 15th: The first Autumn leaf fell, a bright burgundy leaf from a plum tree.

September 5th: Termination dust fell on the mountains in the early morning hours, marking the official end of summer.

September 9th: First Autumn frost. It was very crisp this morning and the frozen ground yielded interesting smells for Claire and Kate (our weekend guest Irish Wolfhound). Week by week you can feel the thermostat being turned down, frosty breath staying until later in the day and arriving earlier each evening. Brrr!

The next marker for winter is the first sticking snow - we are on track for an earlier arrival date this year which reminds me that my next trip to the feed store better include the purchase of Claire's red mittens! and a snow shovel! and more candles! and a camp stove just in case!

Last year was such a delightful winter with Claire; I am looking forward to this year!

Hmmm....It feels like Christmas already. Think I will listen to Luciano Pavarotti's Christmas Collection!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Was Just Wondering...

If the old saying states that

"Less is more"

then what is it called when you have

Much Less?

If another saying says to 
be happy with the little things,
what happens when the little things become 

I was just wondering!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

...and then I saw Providence

Last night around 10:30, the electricity went M.I.A. and remains missing to this very moment. It was a tremendous windstorm that spirited the current out of the city's electrical veins, taking down trees, removing fences, and crippling businesses. Work was an extra enormous effort today, but thankfully all worked out without detrimental issues.

What was amazing today was the incredible moon and starlight for a few brief moments as the winds offered a glimpse through the clouds to the floorboards of heaven. Within minutes, the same wind pushed the cloudy blanket over the city, leaving us in darkness.

My ride to work was very black. No street light, house light or stop light sat vigil. I realized the allegory God was teaching me. He was showing that He intended me to be the light in darkness, even in a sometimes hostile work place, a thankless job, the never ending flow of demands and unkindness.

Further along on my drive, I observed the information / help assistance poles lit up by a royal blue light, offering a chance for passers by to stop and call for help. This too is something God gives us each day. A beacon in this dark world to offer hope and light and help to get through. A reminder that we are not alone yet must ask and want the guidance offered.

By this time in my drive, I was rather choked up by the clear message and the inner yielding that for whatever reason, God does have me at this job for His glory, not my own.

My last leg of the journey to work left me in tears. Just ahead a half a mile in blazing lights, I saw my destination lit up with power from it's own power plant. On the top was a bright blue light in the shape of a cross followed by the words PROVIDENCE.

He chooses us. He calls us. He enables us. He is good.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Poignant Reminder

A Day at the Itty Bitty 'Beach'

It was a great day!

Taking a Rain Check on Summer

Autumn is infusing the early morning air with her fragrance. The sun is sleeping in later each morning and retiring earlier each evening.

Presently, we are tied for the second coldest summer on record and on pace to succeed in earning first place. This, following Winter with record snowfall and a record Spring Blood Drive, courtesy of the state bird - the shameless mosquito.

Our winter clothes have barely had enough time to wrinkle or lose their detergent freshness, yet we are pulling them out already in anticipation of the eminent return of the Old Man and his winter blanket.

My Single Favourite Thing on Planet Earth

Bittersweet Chocolate. Tea. Gardens. Flowers. Gardening. Sunrise. Sunset. Mountains. Wild Creatures. Steak. Fruit. Classical music. Antiques. Embroidery. Wholesome laughter. Pastries. Cooking. Lucia on my lap with a great book in hand.
Scenic Driving. Victoria, B.C. Oregon Coast. Snow. Snowfall. Snowflakes. Winter. Nature sounds. The American Flag. America's Founding Documents and Principles.

This list could go on with things that bring great joy, a sweet smile and a contented sigh in my soul.

However, the thing that gives me the greatest joy of all is having Claire sound asleep, her tail wagging with reckless abandon. Without a shadow of doubt, I can see that she has true contentment and pleasure. She is unafraid. Her conscience is clear. She is at peace and filled with joy!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Impatience of Slobber

Here beside me sits Claire in ultimate perfection. Her eyes are looking at me with such adoration, her ears are upright sentinels, her carriage is the epitome of elegance. She sits in silence, patiently waiting for me after making sure she has dutifully complied with every piece of training that her memory can evoke. Had there not been a heartbeat beneath, she would have made an enviable statue.

There is one unfit clue however that is quite evident amidst this regal image. That is, she is dripping a rather significant amount of slobber as she watches me eat.

After dying laughing for a moment, my eyes flooded with tears as I realized how often I do this very same act before my God. I clean up, perform all the dutiful functions to make sure I am in compliance with His standards, then present my petition before Him. While this is all well and good to comply and present yourself, there is an underlying expectation that God will give way to my desire.

I adore Claire and love sharing the moment with her. Of course I love to provide for her, to praise her, to guide her, to dote on her, to watch birds and smell flowers together. I want to give her tasty treats and great sticks and fun toys but they don't always come when she is asking for them. Her best interests are always at the heart of my bond with her which means that sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes the answer is no and sometimes there never was a question....just an unexpected gift!

If my heart is one with God's heart, then I can comply with his standards, present myself and my request before Him, then wait in assurance of His goodness. He loves me no matter the answer, but do I love Him no matter the answer?

After giving Claire my last bite, I used American Sign Language to signal 'all done' and she lay down at my feet contentedly to sleep. After God gives me something dear, do I stay in His presence?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Letter to my Sister

If you were here...

I would seat you in this cozy spot with a cup of tea.

 Or perhaps a seat here with a book of your choosing.
You would be welcome to a nap
I would even let you pick my peonies!

Turning One

Look who just turned ONE 
and is enjoying her 
big girl bed!

Happy Birthday Claire!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Set Against a Winter Landscape

Today on our walk, Winter was being ravished by warm winds, leaving behind traces of past seasons and heralding the coming of new.

Leaps and Bounds

Who knew that Great Danes were part of the leaping lemur family!?!

In Danish Sickness and in Great Dane Health

My rather large darling became ill with a new strain of kennel cough last week, followed mid-week with an intense secondary infection. When I picked her up after work, she was non-responsive and exhibited every symptom of illness. Poor little lady.

After a late night trip to the DVM, she received subcutaneous fluids, an antibiotic injection and ten days supply of oral antibiotics. After a few dys of round the clock nursing, she is finally on the mend, even enjoying a walk today.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Of Celery and Carrots

While discussing the alarming trend of childhood obesity patients rolling through the door, my co-workers and I were discussing just how young and how large children seemed to be now.

I chimed in by mentioning the three siblings that were all in the single digit by age, and yet weighed around my weight up to one and a half times my weight.

I also chimed in that my soon to be seven month old weighed ninety pounds and that I had put her on a strict diet of carrots and celery.....and moose and caribou and raspberries and butternut squash and apples and salmon and blueberries and kefir and peas and almonds and bok choy and pumpkin and. . .! To top it off, we chase it all down with popcorn............ and exercise and sweet, delicious NAPS!  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Many Happy Returns of the Daylight misquote a famous line from Winnie The Pooh!

Our sun is making its Northern journey once again, migrating toward the North Pole along with its many accompanying fauna who make this annual pilgrimage.

A Case of Moosetaken Identity

When one lives in moose country, and one has a puppy who still needs to make a midnight facility run, one needs to be very careful that ne'er the twain shall meet! While there have been many near and surprising encounters, none was more entertaining than last night!

Let me enlighten you...

'Twas three in the morning, not a creature in sight,
til some lips came a bobblin' to kiss me, all right.
Claire's tail came a waggin', her eyes said 'Please Please',
won't someone, oh someone let me out to go pee?
Down the stairs we did go, out the door to the cold,
when her nose caught a whiff and her ears stood all stiff.
She barked and stood taught, while my flashlight I got,
And the beam it shone round revealed nothing, not even sound.
I called her inside,
Gave kisses goodnight.
When outside down in front, there arose such a clatter,
There was one thing for sure...something was the matter.
Down the stairs I did fly
and to my wondering eye,
flipped the switch to behold
a male moose outside cold.
At my door he did knock,
saying ...
"Darling, I saw you standing there outside and you are the most beautiful lady I ever did see. It doesn't matter that your ears are up in curlers; you are still my kind of gal".

I was stunned. This bull moose had followed Claire very quickly and lovingly up the steps of the front door and was just staring at me with desperate eyes only three feet away! I called Claire to me, but she, being very confused by the quick inside outside routine and all my bluster about being careful over moose had her worried that she had done something wrong. Since she was laying as submissively as possible, I resorted to picking her up so she would not miss the opportunity of a lifetime. We were well rewarded! The moose caught one glance at her and ran away! We sat side by side staring out at the midnight darkness and looking after one lone heartsick moose!

Claire looks both ways before walking down the front steps now!

Christmas 2011

> 11 dogs a dancin'

> 10 plates a layin'

> 9 tails a waggin'

> 8 feet a tanglin'

> 7 trails a blazin'

> 6 glasses tinklin'

> 5 lords a leapin'

> 4 ladies laughin'

> 3 rooms a gatherin'

> 2 potato dishes steamin'

> 1 boeuf prime rib a standin'

What an evening with more dogs than people, but the mix seemed to work out well, with the exception of one lady who was not creature compatible...the dogs seemed to be aware of this and preferred the company of those humans with hands outstretched!

Claire, though only six and a half months old, was the largest of the bunch with a little husky rescue being about her age. They seemed to know that they were both the same age and were inseparable, including the time where the husky teeth imbedded themselves in Claires lip, thus earing him the name "The Stapler".

A few weeks later, "The Stapler" came over to play and became yet another office implement, this time earning the name "The Letter Opener" after tearing a one inch wound in Claire's hind leg right down to the muscle. We debated stitches, but after two MD's inspected the gaping wound, felt that it would be better served healing on its own since stitched would require antibiotics and could cause future tummy trouble.

Now, there is small pinky sixed spot remaing to close and a sensitivity to the cold, but she seems to be fine. There are no future office implement purchases planned, but if so, we will shop carefully!