Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Unexpected Source

Sometimes, GOD lays a task on your heart and you obey without knowing the reasons.

Such was the case two weeks ago while I was talking to a manufacturing rep at work. She stopped by the office to fax her charges to her home office and commented how thirsty she gets while working in the O.R. I offered her a spot in the cupboard to hold a water bottle so she could have a quick drink in between cases. The topic switched to her not feeling well, so I brought up Ginger People's Ginger Chews as a source of comfort when I am tired, traveling, queezy, or just needing something sweet and spicy. The next day, while I was unpacking my kitchen at the new house, I saw a package of crystallized ginger by the same company and gave it to the lady at work the next day.

Just a day or two later, I was carefully gleaning the grocery store for my very limited budget and saw a jar of ginger paste from Ginger People, a product I use with lemon, honey and hot water, or in a mug of steamed milk before bed. I contemplated the purchase, knowing that it would reduce my grocery budget by a quarter of the alotted amount. The jar came home with me and sat over the weekend. The temptation was very strong to enjoy it in my milk - another quarter of the grocery budget. I reckoned and reasoned with myself and came to the conclusion that it would be stealing from my friend; since the purchase was for her, it was never mine to begin with.

Taking it in to work with me, I labeled it with her name and a little note. Once again, it sat on the shelf for a few days until she came to our facility, but she was pleased that I had thought of her.

It has been a meager and hungry week, but five days later, this rep called me at work to see what time I would be getting off. An hour before I left work, she brought in a dozen pumpkin ginger cupcakes as a return gift for me. I only shared half!

How unexpectedly good!

Becoming Great by Becoming Least

Becoming Great
(copied from Lamplighter Moments)

Chrysostom once wrote, "If you want to make your child rich, teach him this: He is truly rich who does not desire great possessions . . . and thinks lightly of this life's passing glories."

This truth that was highlighted for me last week in a way I will never forget. Each month our Lamplighter Guild students have the opportunity to listen in on a conference call with a master teacher. This month, I interview celebrated European actor Peter Moreton. When I asked how a young person can become a great actor like himself, his reply took my breath away.

He said, "First, you need to give up all desires of becoming a great actor. You need to devote yourself to your craft--not to desires to become great. Then, when opportunities present themselves, your primary goal is to lift up the actors around you. Your job as an actor is to accentuate the character of others--they are to increase while you decrease. If I play a servant, for example, and I'm in the presence of a king, my role is to communicate to the audience the character of the king by my humble attitudes and actions. The king will be known through me."

When I heard these words I thought of Philippians 2: "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant,being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him . . ."

If you're looking for a new role to play--one that will make you eternally rich and presently rewarded--practice the art of serving those around you so that they might increase as you decrease. And, as it is in all good stories, you may be surprised when God unexpectedly changes your role from humble servant to royal knight of the King!

Lamplighter Publishing
P.O. Box 777
Waverly, PA 18471

Ten Feet in the Dark

There are two things I am writing in this early morning darkness. The first, is this e-mail. The second, is a list of necessary items to purchase to combat power outages. The usual fare, like matches, wicks for the lanterns, lantern oil, batteries for the flashlight and smoked tendons to keep Claire contented in one spot. But let me back up and explain!

I have brought Katydid, our friendly wolfhound home with us the past two nights. Yesterday coming home, the highway had turned into a new and used Precariously Parked Car Lot, offering all makes, models, shapes, sizes, condition and poses. Some, even had their previous owners showcasing them, walking round and round kicking the tires, or resting an elbow on the top in disbelief that their perfect vehicle that could zoom so fast past the slow pokes could ever end up in the Precariously Parked Car Lot. Many vehicles had State Troopers or Paramedics trying to draw crowds and many were quite successful!

After making it safely home and peeling my curved fingers from the steering wheel, the two dogs played in the fierce wind storm, the kind of fierce where arctic air meets mountain air meets ocean air all in a narrow valley. The wind tunnel howling effect was a display of beauty, power and awe! I would not be surprised if the strength of this wind is bringing up the smells of the past five generations of moose; by the looks of the dogs twitching noses, I would wager that my guess is pretty close!

Most of the night was spent up, reassuring the dogs that all the howling and thunking and whistling and house twisting was in fact a normal encounter, even if it felt rather like an intrusion! Bless their primitive brains for doing what dogs do best, namely, listen and watch, alert, protect! We watched at the window while several cars spent more than an hour and several millimeters of tire rubber trying to make it up the ice sculpted hill!

We lost power, and with it all sense of visibility, perceived or actual. The house is cold and getting colder by the minute. There are eight dog feet and two human feet trying to vie for safe footing. Fortunately, my cell phone lit up nicely for us to make it around until I could get candles lit. (Only four matches remain, thus the shopping list)

It is a cozy and creative morning, made more enjoyable with a cup of tea from a propane stove, but I do have two big dogs lying ever so close to my feet, squinting up at me through candlelit eyes and asking if they are dreaming, or is this for real. I reassure them once again that this is, in fact, a normal encounter and that we are loving it!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Missing Something

Claire L O V E S snow! I did however purchase some inexpensive fleece mittens to protect her paws from long term damage. However, the way she kicks up her heels in the deep snow makes it very easy to lose one. My ever watchful eye looks for anything missing as she leaps and bounds through the powdery tundra.
She also can sense smells deep under the snow and will bury her face to find the source. It took one time to figure out how to breathe properly, after coughing up the glitter during her first attempt! Her face looks hilarious, like one of those games where you find the white life saver in the container of flour ... by using your face!

I have noticed that both of us are having a bit of an identity crisis now that we are on our own. We have become so accustomed to sharing life with Kate and Sam, that creating our own routine without them has left her not knowing who she is. Once we stop back by for a romp and visit with our old companions, Claire realizes just who she is suppose to be and how she is suppose to act.

For me too, I have realized that I have been going through a gradual identity crisis. I have always had a clear picture of who I would be when I grew up and that it was just a matter of time before that identity would be fulfilled. I had planned to use my time 'in the meantime' with worthwhile endeavors that invested in the present moment while preparing for the future. My most satisfying and rewarding, even challenging times have been these moments of living now with the future in view.

Now, I realize that the future dreams I had anticipated, those of anchoring a home as wife and mother will likely never be achieved. There are no children around to practice with, only the childlike behaviour that co-workers exhibit. There are no relationships to practice faithfulness and diligence and resolution, only a dominating employer that is unreasonable, uncommunicative, unloving, unsatisfied, and ungiving.

It is with sorrow that I have had to come to this reconing; this is my life, the only one I have. Though I have willingly and cheerfully invested in the here and now, it has been challenging to swallow the bitter tears of grief of something I imagine to be missing from my life. I do however, recognize GOD's sovereignty and that He has something greater in mind than I thought I was preparing for. Ultimately, everything I do is for GOD's glory, so whether I am a President or a peasant, it matters not when it is woven into the fabric of GOD's purpose.

It is all a beautiful perspective. The best part is that nothing is missing, unless I withhold the yielding of my will.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Size of Your Imprint

Sometimes in life, you do not realize the impact you have on others. On one hand, it is good for our humility to be blind to our impression on others, but sometimes it is good to know in order to leave the best impact on those we interact with.
While walking along the river bank, these powerful creatures left their impact behind, reminding me of this concept.




A rock on ice

My shoe print

Something very small that left a deep impact!

A Smattering of Thoughts

There is an abundance of invisible blog entries I have written over the past few weeks, though they have never made it to the www. or out of my head for that matter. The myriad of topics change emotions and depths in correlation to the fast paced moments I have lived. Each entry was worthy to share, confess or remember, but there was too much and there was no time.

Some of the things I would share just from the past few days would be under these titles:

A Lesson Learned from Pup Culture: I took Caire to a puppy class, joined exclusively by her siblings and a nearly Grand Champion uncle. Immediately, she was absconded from me, while I was shooed away to leave her to the "professionals". I was disconcerted and upset. Thinking that this was intended as reunion and social time, I was not prepared for them to judge her or myself, for that matter, nor was I planning for them to take her to work with her. It reminded me so much of how our culture wants us to hand over our children and even our own minds to the whim of today's thinking. This is so frustratingly wrong. Of course Claire needs minute by minute guidance and encouragement, and as I train her, I realize how much more I myself need the minute by minute training. I like who she is!

Relinquishing: There are many things I have been relinquishing or realizing that I need to relinquish. Among them are my rights, rights to be correct, rights to be smart and plan wisely, rights to be independent rather than interdependent, rights to hold tightly, rights to be the teacher instead of being the taught. All of my actions are done with good intentions and with a biblical view interwoven throughout, but sometimes a different way of looking or doing is just as biblical and may bring GOD more glory. Just when I think I am an empty vessel and that I am doing things in His name, GOD shows me how full my vessel is of my self.

A Dog Named Dog, A Cat Named Mouse: Interestingly enough, while moving into this little cabin on a snowy evening, a very pretty little cat came running and mewing up towards me. It stopped short and kept its distance until I walked into the house with an arm load of boxes. When I turned around, there was the cat sitting expectantly in the doorway, looking ever so much like a hungry mouse. I called her 'mouse', she came running eagerly inside, and has never glanced outdoors again. The name has stuck, though I have called her other equally affectionate names, like goose, possum, verbena, foxglove, lavender, Victoria, Isabelle. Nothing quite fits her like mouse; she seems quite pleased with it! She loves sleeping in Claire's extra large dog bed, with or without Claire!

Also in the neighborhood is a dog adequately named "Dog". He is a pit bull mix and is sweet and responsive to my commands, though he does have a fondness for Claire's neck that I am not so fond of! Fortunately for Claire, she is taller and smarter than Dog and is capable of outmaneuvering for the most part. Dog also joined us indoors today since he lives outside and was shivering in the winter air.

As we went outside for a potty break, a shivering black cat ran scared up a tree, hugging it like a black bear cub. I named it Virginia, after the coal mines, after contemplating the name Ivory! It took a lot of coaxing to get the cat down since Claire was ever so desirous of welcoming a new creature, but after a half hour of the cat shivering and clinging to the bark, me freezing while watching individual, one-dimensional, six spoked snowflakes fall gently on me, after jingling cat food in a dish, after a large gash in my pinky and a matching one in my dog walking coat, I finally convinced the black cat that it was safe. I discovered that "Thomas" actually needed a manly man name, so he became Onyx the moment I set him down indoors with food, water and a radiator heater. He needed no coaxing to gain warmth and nourishment and feel at ease.

These creatures made me contemplate my own hardships and relationships and how I conduct myself.

Unthankful-giving: Sadly, I must admit that I am struggling with gratefulness this Thanksgiving. I struggle with everything in my life. Definitely a work in progress, but I was encouraged by Vision Forum's e-mail on 'Seven Things to do with Your Family This Thanksgiving'. The article was very convicting to revisit the history of GOD's Providence.

There is so much more that is flooding through my thoughts; too much for myself to process, but I will get through it one moment at a time, only by GOD's grace.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Four Degrees This Side of Midnight

When you are driving home at 4pm on a gorgeous sunny day and see thick steam blanketing the nearly frozen river and that the temperature reads 4 degrees, it really makes you wonder how cold it will drop by the time midnight hits.

When you arrive home, and the outside of the house is creaking from the cold, and the wood furnace has very little in the way of glowing embers, and the dogs who made a dash for an outdoor romp stop dead in their tracks after two minutes, alternating frozen paws in the arctic snow, it really makes you wonder how cold it will be by midnight.

When you breathe in the crisp air and feel shards of moisture depraived oxygen molecules scouring your lungs, it makes you wonder just how cold it will be by midnight!

This winter started October 31st in an early morning deposit of our first sticking snow and never let up until we all had received the memo that winter was here to stay with all its resplendent wonder. It has been gorgeous.

Being entertained by three noble beasts has been quite a treasure!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Very Danish Autumn


It is difficult to imagine that my new dane puppy ever looked like this! But this is Claire introducing herself to the world. These days, she is sporting a more hybrid look, a cross between several animals really. Here are her other guises.


Today, we enjoyed one of the most refreshing days along with our beloved dog companions Sam and Kate. Here are a few scenes to remember!

Although this was taken two days ago on Katydid and Claire's first introduction, I had to include the adoring look!

Claire found Sam to be as magnifiscent as I do, which pleases me greatly!

Absolutely inseparable!

Lady Claire is always attentive to the smallest details, smells and sounds. I adore watching her observe the world, just as I have adored watching Sam.

Ahhh! Miss Kate, the matriarch of the bunch, more elephantine in her approach to other dogs. She is splendid and unparalleled in training pups to be proper! Her wisdom and patience, admirable!

I am very grateful for the blessing of today!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Scenes/Scents from Mi Casa

Pictures of the Past

Today was the celebration of 76 years ago when the colonists first arrived here. For the most part, it was a small town parade show-casing the town's businesses and clubs. It was a gorgeous day with the sun high-lighting the events.
Old traditions, old buildings, old people, old cars. Sweet traditions, sweet buildings, sweet people, sweet cars!

Kettle Korn rides for the wee bairns
Colony Garden at the Visitor Center

It appeared that this tractor had a face and personality!

Though this tree had nothing to do with the day's events, someone had the foresight to plant it many years ago. I thoroughly appreciated the beauty of their plan! The old train depot is in the background.

Sometimes, the door to the future is found when opening the door to the past.