Monday, May 15, 2017

Letting go, hanging on or grabbing hold

Life, it seems, is a series of these three concepts.
All of them can have character building moments.
All of them have the potential to be nerve wracking.
All of them have the opportunity for joy.

I stand at one of these junctions, only it is a layered junction as well, meaning that while I contemplate letting go of something, I have to weigh how much or what to hold on to in order to maintain the essence of who I am, my dreams and hopes for tomorrow and the day after...

It would be a lie if I said or thought I had this all figured out. I don't. I wrestle with all the potential options and weigh them against possible outcomes until something makes sense, like a giant life size puzzle where the individual pieces don't have any familiarity until you start grouping them together to make a composite cluster.

Stepping out in faith is terrifying, even to one who has heard the sermons, treasured the comforting promises, tried to remain faithful to One Who knows eternity, yet has taken the time to endear Himself to the longings of a broken heart. It isn't easy to relinquish known fears, worries and concerns, improbability and statistics to the maker of something from nothing. He has a proven track record when I read the stories of old.

It's not a matter of 'can I' trust Him, but rather, 'will I' trust Him with my impossibilities.

'I know not what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow.'

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