Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Very Danish Autumn


It is difficult to imagine that my new dane puppy ever looked like this! But this is Claire introducing herself to the world. These days, she is sporting a more hybrid look, a cross between several animals really. Here are her other guises.


Today, we enjoyed one of the most refreshing days along with our beloved dog companions Sam and Kate. Here are a few scenes to remember!

Although this was taken two days ago on Katydid and Claire's first introduction, I had to include the adoring look!

Claire found Sam to be as magnifiscent as I do, which pleases me greatly!

Absolutely inseparable!

Lady Claire is always attentive to the smallest details, smells and sounds. I adore watching her observe the world, just as I have adored watching Sam.

Ahhh! Miss Kate, the matriarch of the bunch, more elephantine in her approach to other dogs. She is splendid and unparalleled in training pups to be proper! Her wisdom and patience, admirable!

I am very grateful for the blessing of today!